The “in event box” option will show the location fields below the basic event data, and before the repeating data. It can be as simple as an address field, or you can open up the geo box and enter the latitude and longitude.
Location fields in the eventbox
As separate metabox
Location as separate metabox (use amr-user-templates to move position of box)
A Map for an event
The event info can show a map link, based on the address or the geo tag
On a per event (or post) basis, the event info can show a map link, based on the address or the geo tag, or the of course the ical events list can offer map links based on the event location data.
Check the map lookup
Once an address has been saved, the plugin will offer a link to check the google map lookup. Add more address information (or geo tags) to finetune the map lookup.
I am finalising my new plugin that will allow creation of Ical events within wordpress. The Ical spec provides for a location and geotags for an event. The existing event list plugin shows a google map link for the event if these components exist.
So the new plugin will allow entry of a location and/or integrate with other location plugins. There are some sweet geo or location plugins available, so I thought I would keep my location meta box input simple and allow integration with some of these other plugins if anyone required more sophistication. I have tested the new plugins see if they play nicely with custom post types (although my plugin will also work with normal posts too), and use the wordpress databse appropriately. Custom Post Type support is actually quite easy to add, so please check the latest versions.
This plugin uses custom tables, so will only be able to access their data if their plugin is active (uses their DB class to extract the data)
It appears to automatically support custom post types(ie the metabox appears on all post types). Ideally this should be optional as per Ben Huson’s version above (dev version for now).
Has a fairly unique feature of allowing one to save and reuse locations. Does some cacheing.
v0.1.1 breaks some of the admin JavaScript, not disastrously – affects the arrow down of menu show/hide. Common problem when a plugin includes latest UI. Very minor – one can still click them the menu title to open it up.
gpress removed.
If anyone would like to suggest other post location plugins for consideration in offering integration, please comment below.
Since there are a number of these similar plugins, the location plugin that will come with the ical events plugin will be much simpler. It will probably not have the map displayed every time you edit the post, or display the post. It will have a link to verify that the address is adequate to bring up the correct map view and/or get the latitude and longitude.
Draft version of the “simple” post location plugin metabox