The plugin comes with a custom role and custom events capabilities all preset up for you.
Event Capabilities:
- Event capabilities are created for the custom post type as per wordpress post type. You can call the post type whatever you want. Currently the capability will stay as ‘event’ to avoid roles breaking. This is not visible to users.
- A ‘manage_event_settings’ capability is also created to allow for an event editor who is not admin.
- These custom capabilities are automatically added to the administrator and editor roles as appropriate so they will have the same access as they do for standard posts.
Event Editor Role
- A ‘event manager’ role is also created automatically. Test this out at
Further possibilities
- Custom capabilities can be added to other existing roles using another plugin or your own code.
- Further custom roles can be created using the custom capabilities if required. A plugin such as Justin tadlocks ‘members’ plugin could be used to do this.