Event Creation can be as simple as this:
Events as custom post types
Or Events as Posts
If you need your events to be posts too (for RSS or subscription news), configure the system to allow events to be created as posts.
Or if you have sophisticated recurring events needs, expand the functionality, add a repeat…
The functionality can expand to cover almost all of the Ical specification, allowing you to create almost any kind of repeating events you may need (even those “only every fifth sunday” type of events).
Add event location data and map links:
either simply within the event data box
or if your posts need to have locations and maps too, configure the location data entry as a separate meta box for all posts.
Location data has a map link for display when listing the event
Advanced Location / Map requirements?
Integrate with other plugins – amr events will automatically read the other plugins data to populate the locations in the listing of events or the ics feed. See other location plugin integration
Management of Events
Multiple columns are provided – use screen options to reduce the clutter – do this for your users too with amr-user-templates, so they see as simple a screen as you can offer them.