Category Archives: amr ical events list

Posts related to Version Releases of amr ical events list

HTML5 event listings, own event html, plugin filters …

Version 1.9.5 and 3.9.5 (the wp version)  just released has a few new features.


  • new html5 listings (experimental).  If you do not see them on your system due to saved settings, have a look at . To see on your system you may need to “reset” your listtypes  – or you can copy and paste from a clean test system if you have version 4.0 of amr-cal-events-list.
  • create your own html style (as well as the html around the event properties, you can now specify the surrounding html). More on this later -for now there is a sample file – put it somewhere in your uploads folder so it will not get overwritten.  Change the listtype settings to say “custom”  and enter the filepath.
  • wordpress filters to allow the very advanced folk to do advanced things. New filters so far are:
    • amr_events_after_sort (after sorting but before limits applied) Passes array of events and must receive one back,
    • amr_events_after_sort_and_constrain (after sorting but before limits applied) Passes array of events and must receive one back,
    • amr_event_repeats ( can be used to only generate ‘x’ number of repeats for an event despite what is in the VEVENT COUNT field) – passes the current count value, must receive an integer back.
    • amr-ical-feed-events (after extracting events for ics feed, but before producing feed).  Note a wp-query pre-getposts-filter could also be used. Passes array of events and must receive one back.
    • amr-ical-event-url – passes current url and post id, must receive back a url.  Allows you to say force the link in the listing to go to an external url rather than the event post – would make it behave similar to the external ics file that may have an event url.

Other details

  • Change: Changed default to use standard posts as events – too many wp newbies are not looking at settings and then have permalink problems etc because of the custom post type.   So make it simpler for them.  If you have saved your options – no problems for you.
  • Change: grouped events will now NEST within a group – they used to just be a kind of heading.  HTML and css tweaked so it looks the same.
  • Add: added an “unevent” option so that you can remove all the event data for a standard post and convert it back to a normal post – will help fix posts that may have been saved with event data when they should not be events.
  • Add: a check for no saved settings.  If defaults change from one upgrade to the next and the settings had not been saved, this could be confusing – people should save their settings.
  • Add: added code for wp 3.1 to use new meta query instead of meta key in general events query (note there may be a bug in wp 3.1 which shows up in the edit event menu for standposts WITHOUT an event categeory, but only one of you has asked for that!)
  • Add: plugin on wp 3.1 will now be more efficient as the new meta query makes it easier to query the data more tightly with date parameters – NOPE wp3.1 may have a bug here – stay tuned
  • Add: added filters to the code to allow folks with very advanced requirements to do very advanced things.
  • Add: added nonbreakingspaces into day and time default formats to help prevent browsers wrapping them in the table.
  • Delete: Got rid of the # bookmark feature which was cumbersome, cluttered up the html, and I do not think anyone really cared about or even knew it was there.
  • Fix: fixed problem where standard posts where getting the event data box and where recurring events were not correct in the feed.

V1.9.3/3.9.3 twelve hr am/pm input, and some tweaks

If you very recently updated and use grouping, you will want this upgrade – a annoying bug was introduced in the last version – now fixed.

This version also includes some feature requests.  Not all that I hope to include – I had to get an update up because of the grouping bug that got in.    There will be another update with more feature requested soonish.

The major new feature here is the ability to enter times using am and pm. You can enter time in whatever way you like, the plugin will figure it out.  You can choose to display entered time as 12 am/pm or 24 hour format.  The format will default to whatever your chosen wp time format is.  Note: it uses the standard definition of 12 am and 12 pm  – google “noon and midnight confusion” and you will see what I mean!

The time entry is extremely flexible:

  • 12 am, 12am, noon, 12, 1200, 12:00 => 12:00
  • 12 pm, 12 pm, midnight => 00:00 (the start of the day)
  • 10, 10am => 10:00
  • 2pm, 2 pm, 14:20, 1420 => 14:20


Version 1.9.3 (15 March 2011)

  • Add: Ability to have dates entered in 12 hour format with am/pm as well as 24 hr format.  It will default to the wp settings, but can be overridden.
  • Change: per barikso’s request, messages output when there is a problem with the external ics file have changed.  They are more subtle now (!) with the message on hover, and have a class of error.  The class is so that you may choose to hide the messages if you wish.  The plugin will deliver cached content if possible so your site will not just look bad should the ics file fail. (I elected to go with a fake hyperlink as depending on the problem with your ics file there may be one or more messages.)
  • Change: defaults have been slightly tweaked, so if you had NOT saved your settings, you may see small changes (eg: timezone and refresh now do NOT show by default)
  • Change: settings pages restructured and some changes to make it look more like standard wordpress, not a separate look.  I dislike plugins that have their own adminlook and style different from wp.
  • Fix: replaced some functions deprecated in wp 3.1.
  • Fix: grouping logic had an error introduced in last version where last event of a group went into next group rather than previous – fixed.
  • Fix: minor error on edit screen if you had multi day event, the displayed end date may have been incorrect on the edit screen only.
  • Fix: if you had not saved your settings, no events appeared due to no default choice of post type
  • Fix: adding capability ‘read_event’ to roles.  ‘read_events’ (plural) was there however wp revision or autosave display seems to need the singular as well as the plural capability (in latest wp anyway). (wp trac report lodged)

Version 1.9.2

  • Change:  removed deprecated function is_plugin_page
  • Add: in an attempt to avoid problems when custom post types and taxonomies are added, some additional flushing of the permalinks (rewrite rules) has been added in key spots (NOT all the time, only on save of related settings pages. ) . It used to flush on activation, but that is inadequate.
  • Fix: the shortcut of just entering urls without having to say “ics=your url” was lost in a recent update. Sorry!  It’s back.



Want your website events to appear in facebook?

This icalendar to event facebook application looks like it would do the trick.  Use amr-events (or any such plugin) to generate a valid ics feed.  Add that to the application and there you should have it – integration from your wordpress events into facebook .

Note: reviews seem to be polarised (very good or very bad), and it does have a lot of users.  Note:   I have found facebook very SLOW to update either way and can imagine this may cause some of the dissatisfaction. That said I am not using this application myself, just thought it might be useful.

Reverse direction?

To go the other way, you need

  1. Activate the plugin
  2. Drop  [events ics=facebookicurl] or [iCal ics=facebookicurl]  into  a page.
  3. Publish!

amr-events v1.9.1 minor updates

Stupid Mistake was made
Part of photo by Sarah Derr

This is a minor update for those who  already upgraded to 3.9 – the free version) , or (in either amr-events 1.9 or amr-ical-events-list 3.9 ) use the ‘”lists for rows” with a grouping’ – ie like the widget default but with a grouping added in.

There may be another update along in a couple of weeks with some additional features that have been requested.  If you have a wished for feature, let me  know and i’ll see if I can add it in too.

Change log:

  • Fix: removed a debug statement that displayed in free version of amr-ical-events-list
  • Fix: default event url in list type settings should not be mandatory.
  • Fix: for list type using “lists” not table, and when one uses a grouping, the html validation failed due to a missing html tag.  This highlighted some minor things in the html that could be cleaned up – and so they have been (cleaned up)

Thanks to Barisko and Polyfade for identifying and letting me know.

Static widgets

If you want your upcoming events list to be “static” ie: the same in all circumstances  and NOT to respond to query parameters such as category id, then  add a parameter “ignore_query=1” to the widgets or shortcodes parameters.

This tells the plugin to NOT respond to any parameters passed via the query string.  Please use this only after due consideration and understanding and probably only in the “upcoming events list”.

This will force the list to be “static” and appear the same no matter whether in a category/tag/author archive or not.  If you are using the box calendar or taxonomy widget to link through to a agenda/calendar page, do NOT use this in the calendar page shortcode.

amr-events 1.6, taxonomies etc

Version 1.6 of amr-events is now available at

Version 3.6 of the free version is available as a download here: amr-ical-events-list-3.6 Do not use the zip install, it will most likely not work.  Rather unzip locally and then ftp the files up.     This version will be svn’ed up to wordpress in early February.

Version 1.6

  • Added code to cope with the php date_modify problem when adding months – it does funny things near the end of month, particularly around months like Feb.  Dates like last day of month, last sunday of month,  etc should now repeat correctly without skipping February.
  • Added additional code in attempt to cope with people whose ics file urls have been “moved” – eg: the files.  At the least a message will display to let you know  the the ical server has not send the ical file, but a “moved” message.
  • Rdates were not parsing if passed in an array – fixed
  • Day for calendar was being assigned based on original day and timezone.  The day of week can be different if the display timezone is different from the events timezone.  Moved the conversion to the display timezone before the day assignment.  Do not move too soon as all recurring etc calcs must be done in original timezone, not display timezone.
  • all day pretty printing improved – thanks to ben for the suggestions.  If the allday field is requested to be displayed, it will show a translated “all day” – you can add your own brackets if you want.  If not all day, nothing will be shown.
  • added update of danish translation files for the free version. Thank You Georg.

Version 1.5

  • Fixed bug in pretty printing of recurrence rule
  • Corrected recent bug that prevented correct parsing of recurrence rule
  • Removed htmlentities from google map link as google does not want it encoded.

Multi-day events and the calendar view

If one is listing multi day events such as an art exhibitions which show for a week say, please evaluate whether to create

  • a single multi day event or
  • a daily recurring event.

For example, consider whether you wish to show opening and closing times each day. This would allow someone to add the instance of the day that they wish to attend to their calendar, rather than adding the whole long exhibition to their calendar.

A recurring event is best for showing opening and closing times.

Recurring events

If you open up the “repeats” tab in the event creation, you will find you can specify in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways the recurence of you event:

eg: daily (m,t,w,th,fr only) or every 2nd day etc

Agenda or Calendar View

Also consider how the two options will appear in the agenda or calendar view.

In the Agenda view, a single multi day event, where it is only listed once on the day that it starts, may look best for each exhibition. (Note an event will be displayed if it is still ongoing even if the start date has passed.)

In the calendar view, if you wish to have the event appear on each day, at the moment, a recurring event is required.

The Plugin, Calendar View and Single Multi day events

Currently the plugin does not display an event on more than the day that it starts.  Doing otherwise requires some complex css to force the event to stretch across the day cells.  It would also require  the plugin to temporarily create some dummy events where the event goes across week rows.  Achieving consistency of appearance when there are other events on on that day would be quite tricky, particularly ensuring cross browser support.

This feature may be available at a later stage.

Control the no events message

Do you sometimes have no upcoming events in your event listing?  If you pretty much always have upcoming events in your listings, then you need not bother with this.

The “no events message” code was commented out with the introduction of the “box” calendar in a recent version.  An empty box calendar felt better than suddenly having a message.  However for people using the agenda list primarily, the message may be preferable.   It was not intended to be left like that, but somehow the necessary code to allow people to choose either

1) an empty box calendar or agenda list,
2) the no events message from the settings

was not completed.

Current Code

In ical-events-list-main.php around about line 2317(sorry this line number may be totally wrong as on my travelling machine (apple air) lines are not what they used to be on windows, so please search for the text), is the following code

//			if (count($components) === 0) {
//				if (isset($amr_options['noeventsmessage']))
//					$thecal .=  ' '.$amr_options['noeventsmessage'].'';
//			}
//			else {
$tid 	= $w.'compprop'.$icalno;
$class 	= $w.'ical';
$thecal .= amr_list_events($components, $tid, $class, $show_views=true);
//	}

Revised Code

(will be in next version at unknown date, has been very basically tested):

if (empty($components) and (!empty($amr_options['noeventsmessage']))) {

	$thecal .=  ' '.$amr_options['noeventsmessage'].'';
else {
	$tid 	= $w.'compprop'.$icalno;
	$class 	= $w.'ical';
	$thecal .= amr_list_events($components, $tid, $class, $show_views=true);

This will behave as follows:

  • If you have set (or left the default) “no events” message then if there are no events to be displayed in the current criteria, the no events message will be displayed.
  • If you have emptied the no events message then either a blank list or empty box calendar will be displayed instead.

So if you are using the calendar display and prefer a empty box calendar then you should empty the no events message in the “Listing events” settings.

On 1.3 or 3.3? please upgrade

Version 1.4 (amr-events) and 3.4 has just been put up. If you upgraded in the last couple of days, I apologise there were a couple of bugs in that version which escaped me.
If the ics file you are importing is okay with http requests, then you are ok
If you are not using the agenda/calendar view switching, then you are ok

Otherwise please update.

amr-events 1.2 and amr-ical-events-list 3.2

Version 1.2 (V 3.2 for the free version) now available, with some features that some of you have requested (month navigation box in agenda view) and some small bug fixes (css file copying for some setups and event durations < 1 hr on php 5.3).  If you are php 5.3, please upgrade to this version.

Month Navigation in the agenda view
  • Added French translation files for the list side (free version)
  • Minor bug fix for php 5.3 users that caused 0 durations to be displayed (0 weeks, 0 days etc) and weirdly meant you could not create events less than 1 hour.  In the interim, systems on php 5.3 will not use the php 5.3 code, but will use the same code as php 5.2.x as that I know is robust!
  • Minor bug fix for css file copying error (from plugin css to a uploads location for custom css so that it did not get overwritten) – only occurrs on some systems
  • Added option to include the ‘box calendar’ month year navigation in the agenda view.  Add show_month_nav=1 (or true) in the shortcode parameters.  To avoid unrequested changes for existing users, in agenda view, the month navigation will not show unless you add the parameter.  It will show in the calendar view.
  • More inline help in the configuration area
  • Download link for standard css file to make it quicker for you to edit it.
  • Added to css file to attempt to make default css apply to more themes. Since some themes are quiet different this may not always succeed.  The css is quite verbose as a result to cater for those who are not so css competent. If you are pedantic about this, please create a custom css and thin it down.

I had a right royal battle with IE on the css trying to get rid of table borders where one does not want them!  Seems one needs to reset borders on tbody, as well as possibly a bunch of others!

Just for fun – (do not do in calendar mode):

You can specify multiple months in the agenda view and the month navigation will let you jump multiple months at a time!

3 months at a time (NB check number of events is set appropriately)