Like the formerchampions schedule? cut and paste the listtype

There was a question in the forum about how to achieve this bands show schedule:

Example of a listtype for an artist data feed - usable in other scenarios too

It is also demo’ed at You can either follow the instructions below, or simply cut and paste the listtype to your listtype overview screen.


  • Either edit and existing agenda style list type, or
  • create a new one, then copy (cut and paste) a existing one into your new one.
  • then….

Configure the listtype as follows:

Fields to show:

Field Column Order Before
EventDate 1 10
Location 2 10
Summary 2 20
url 2 30
Description 3 10
Starttime 3 15 Time: 
Map 3 15
Addevent 3 15
Subscribe event(if using amrevents with internal events) 3 15

 Date and Time Formats:

  • Change day to : m/d/Y


  • Check month is ticked for the grouping

Icon Size

Lastly, if you want the larger icons, go to the general Listing settings => styling and images

  • Check icon size 32
Icon sizes
Set icon sizes

Optionally, you could also fiddle around with your css to make that column 3 a fixed width perhaps?

The listtype preconfigured:


Please ensure you cut and paste cleanly the whole piece of text:


How to add/remove “subscribe to event” or “add to calendar”

There are a number of “subscribe” or “add to calendar” options.  Often these are displayed by default in the chosen list type.

At Calendar Properties Level

“subscribe to the whole calendar”

“add the whole calendar to your google calendar”

At Event or Event Series Level

“addevent”- subscribe to event (internal events)

“subscribevent” – subscribe to a recurring event series (ics file or internal events)

add to google (ics file or internal events)

Adding to a list or widget

You can add them to any list type from the list type settings.

Simply add a non-zero number to the desired fields ‘column’  to make it display.

EG: To add a subscribe link to the upcoming events widget.. The default list type for the widget is list type 4.

Choose whether to display images, and/or the icon size for all list types.

Don’t forget to “Update”!

 Over at I happened across this rather positive comment made back in April, 2011 , with a link to their site

I actually found a better way to do this with the AMR iCal events list WordPress plugin ( ). It has completely replaced Gigpress on my friend’s website (it works in sidebars as well). Since Artist Data provides iCal feeds in addition to RSS feeds for show dates, you can use this to link to the iCal plugin. There are various layout modes (full calendar, short calendar, event lists, custom layouts too). I think it looks 100 times better than Gigpress ever did, plus it has Google Calendar Event & Maps links for each show date (for directions to the venue), and the ability to sync a band’s ENTIRE calendar with Google Calendar and any iCal compatible 3rd party calendar applications. It’s very customizable. Here’s a link to see it in action.

Pagination or paging through many events

This events or calendar plugin offers various ways to ‘page’ or navigate events in time.  One can also navigate or filter by other ways(categories, taxonomies, authors etc):

  1. semi-pagination(vary days, events, start date)

  2. look for more” – a simpler google style link

    Look for more events
  3. use the month navigation dropdown form or links

    month dropdown and links
  4. or do your own with html, using the query parameters
  5. ‘Plug’ the semi-pagination function (advanced php users only)


  • I like to call it “semi-pagination” because it is not normal pagination like the WordPress listing of posts.  Normal pagination has one parameter – the number of pages and the number of events.   Event lists need two ‘drivers’
    1. a time period – the number of days, weeks, or months
    2. the number of events to show
  • It is dynamically generated based on the parameters you used.  If you used days, then it will use days etc
  • The text will be translated if the language translation exist
  • Its links allow the user to vary
    • the time periods
    • the number of events
    • and when to start (ie one can go back and forward in time)
  • Switch it on/off by adding the parameter  to the shortcode:
    • [events pagination=1] or [events pagination=0]


Look for more

a simpler google style “look for more”

  • also dynamic in that it will remember the last date displayed and will offer a link to view more events from that date on
  • The default text will be translated if the language translations exist.
  • the text can be customised in the settings.  Multi language sites should leave the default text and rather use the translation files.  To do this for english  see “an accent for your website”
Look for More events
Look for More

Month navigation

  • These appear by default in some list types
  • Can be switched on/off with parameters
    • show_month_nav=1
  • Can be added manually by using additional shortcodes before / after 
    • [month_year_dropdown] – displays the month and year drop down box where ever you put the shortcode.
    • [month_prev_next] – displays the next and previous month links where ever you put the shortcode – eg: after the events shortcode maybe? eg [month_prev_next][events]
    • Note some additional shortcodes only available with amr-events plugin.  For the free version see ‘write your own html links’ below.)

Write your own html links

Linking to the event list and passing parameters, one can alter the display.  Use the offset parameters to shift the start of the display, either forwards or backwards in time

  • startoffset=n, or startoffset=-n
  • daysoffset=n, or daysoffset=-n
  • monthsoffset=n, or monthsoffset=-n

To show more or less events, or other components the parameters that could be useful, possibly in combination are:

  • days=n
  • months=n
  • hours=n
  • events=n


Next Month   Previous Month

Next 30 days   Previous 30 days

Show more days   Show more events

  • Add the html before or after the shortcode in your page html.
  • This html cannot be translated as it is straight html
  • See the html generated by the pagination code as a starting point:
Pagination Html
Pagination Html

Plug the semi-pagination function

If you are considering this option. You should

  • know php well,
  • know what a pluggable function is
  • and know how the plugin uses the various time and number of event parameters to navigate through time

See the existing function amr_semi_paginate in amr-ical-events-list/includes/amr-pluggable.php.  Note the global variable to receive the parameters or limits used.

First published Jan 2010, now updated and republished.

WordPress events plugin with xml output? want it? why?

The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) has just published the RFC (Request for Comment) for xcal (iCalendar in XML).

Given that the ics format works fairly well to give us calendar exchange and interoperability (given the natural constraints of human involvement in import/subscribe to their calendar apps) , does one need an xml format too ?

An argument for the existence of an xml standard is that people have already developed their own xml versions – a standard was required for interchange of data.

If you have thoughts on this and would like to see that this wordpress events plugin produce an xml icalendar feed as well as the ics feed, please add  a comment below.

Try to be as specific as possible as to the reasons and benefits to motivate the addition of the xml format – export (and hmmm maybe import).

Some input to get you going:

I think the biggest software revolution of the future is that the calendar will be the organizing filter for most of the information flowing into your life. You think you are bombarded with too much information every day, but in reality it is just the timing of the information that is wrong. Once the calendar becomes the organizing paradigm and filter, it won’t seem as if there is so much.



hcalendar microformats By the way, did you know this plugin already issues the necessary css classes for the hcalendar microformat?



Custom timezone selection example

Pressure radio are using the ability to pass a timezone code to the plugin to display events in the user’s chosen timezone.  They offer a few preset links, as well as  a complete dropdown list.

If you want to do something similar, simply add the necessary html links or in form html before the shortcode.

WordPress itself has the html required for the timezone list in the Settings> General tab (use inspect element), or some form generators will create a dropdown form of timezones for you. Links would like url?tz=timezonestring

Calendar events list with timezones