
Detailed Feature List

(There are many features, so this is a work in progress…)

Simplicity vs Features

  • Can be very simple if you want it to be.  I have attempted to setup the defaults so that one can simply
    1. activate,
    2. create a calendar page with shortcode or a widget
    3. enter dates, and that’s it!
  • Or feature rich….

Editing Events

  • optional datepicker, with optional 2 month display
  • datepicker will display starting with your week start as defined in wordpress and return dates in your chosen date format
  • can create with own date and time format specified in config
  • fast date entry – intelligent date guessing – will try to work date out if when not corresponding to format .  (Ie: if format YYYY-MM-DD, can enter 20100131 or 101031, or if MM/DD/YY, can enter 013110)
  • event data is stored as post meta data in ICAL similar format to aid understanding of integration
  • if no time entered, date recurrence assumed to be all day
  • if no end date, but have end time, will default in


  • will pickup wordpress timezone as default, (or gmtoffset for the oldies, or those with no daylight saving)
  • allows ‘local’ or floating dates
  • allows entry of special timezone for an event


  • Support for location entry with map links
  • Also offers integration with various geo plugins


  • Attempted to offer full localisation in terms of language, date, time and number formats – I have used wordpress functions where possible to encourage support without even a base translation for this plugin.

Right To Left (RTL) Languages

  • Attempted to allow for them, with appropriate html and css.  Feedback is welcome!

Ical/ics Feeds

  • Feeds available by variety of wordpress archive types
  • Ical feed will compile calendar description based on website name, plus query/archive taxonomies
  • Have been tested with a number of calendar programs including google

Listing events

  • Defaults setup for a range of possibilities.  If your requirements are more complex than the defaults provided, the list types are extremely configurable – grouping, order, before/after html etc.

Classifying events

  • Use full wordpress functionality for categories, tags or taxonomies to classify, group and style your events.

Multi user friendly

  • Events and calendars by author