To achieve a complete multi-lingual website using amr-events and amr-ical-events-list, the following are required:
the wordpress language files
These are required for the day, month etc event time localisations. See this post for instructions and links.
your theme language files
Some theme language files can be found at
. You may have to click down various paths as sometimes somelanguages are stored differently.
Danish example:
Updated plugin language files
Some folks have kindly provided translations. You can see the latest available here. These are not always up to date. See translation tools below. If you need to update your language files, please send me the update and I’ll upload it.
If you do NOT send an update, your version may be overwritten in a plugin update unless you move it.
Custom Language File Location
For these two plugins, you can store your custom .mo and .po files in your WP-CONTENT languages subfolder.
Do not use the subfolder /plugins as wordpresss may one day be auto loading translations to that folder.
Translation tools:
Finally a Language switcher and/or a multi-lingual language plugin. Some plugins that may help:
- Xili (unverified in recent years)