A response to a request on the forum:
Aim: to mimic the google calendar view
Live Result Example: http://www.icscalendar.com/box-calendars/simple-large-calendar/
- Start time and title, no hover box, event detail chopped off to one line
Changes to make
- The listtype
- The shortcode parameters (optional)
- The css (maybe – depends on your theme)
The listtype
Configure a large calendar list type or simple copy/paste from list type the listtype text at the bottom of this post.). To do it yourself, see detailed instructions for:
- Update fields to show so that only Starttime and Summary have column = 1, all else =0.
Update StartTime order = 1, Summary order = 2
Add a ‘space’ either “ ” (non breaking space) or “ ” a normal space. - If you want am/pm time, open dateTime formats and change time to
“g:ia”. See http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php for more options - If you anticipate a very large number of events per month, go to the “Define maximums” and enter a max number of events approx double what you expect.
Click ‘Update’ to Save your listtype.
Shortcode parameters
In your largecalendar page, enter the shortcode, using your list type number. Optional: Decide whether to you want a dropdown box or not. See parameters available.
[largecalendar listtype=13 show_month_nav=1]
The css
The default css will allow the full event title to be displayed. If you want to trim it so the event stays on one line, you need to add some custom css.
Either use the custom css file provided (download, edit, ftp upload and then choose it from the plugin settings. For instructions, see https://icalevents.com/3591-custom-css-for-event-lists/
OR (easy option)
If editing css, file structures and ftp is not your area of expertise, then
use the wordpress.com custom css plugin provided by automattic
and add something like:
#events_wrap .largecalendar tbody td div.event { overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; font-size:10px; /* make text smaller - depends on your theme */ }
Option: Copy and Paste ALL of this text string into a list type import field in your “manage listtypes” screen: