A new page popped up where the “configure list type” page used to be. This is a list type management overview page. Click on a list type name to get to the configure list type page for that list.

Now you can share your list type definition (or of course just copy and paste from your test site to your main site).
For example – would you like to try a daily, sort of vertical timetable like in the image below?
- grouped by day
- showing the title, but not the description
- no start date (no need because the date is in the grouping line)
- show end date if it exists, in case it it is a multi day long event
- showing all the icon links in one line (note recurring events have an individual ics, as well as the full series ics)

- select the FULL string below and copy it (Control C)
- paste it (Control V) into a ‘spare’ list type’s import field in the overview page.
- Update.
- Preview it or use it in a shortcode [events listtype=n].
- Images and css are set at overall settings (see “listing Events”, not at individual list type.
- Additional optional tweaks in the shortcode parameters if you want a clean/lean look
[events listtype=x show_month_nav=0 headings=0 calendar_properties=0 show_views=0]