A quick release with an update to the French from fxbenard and for some minor glitches found in the update a couple of days ago. Download for amr-events or for amr-ical-events-list via the WordPress upgrade.
Have you ever wanted to keep your own translation and not have it overwritten by updates?
Maybe you have a special ‘tone’ to your site?
The plugin will check for a language file first in the wp-content/languages folder with the plugins text domain. If none found, then it will look in the plugins language folder. The wp-content/languages folder is where the general WordPress translations and localisations are stored.
- Update: French translation files update from fxbenard for both amr-events and amr-ical-events-list
- Change: Better detection of when a standard post is also an event, so should show event meta box even if you come upon editing the post another way than through the edit events.
- Change: Removed ORGANIZER from the feed for now. If anyone particularly needed this, please contact me asap fro prioritisation of method to optionallly allow inclusion of such fields – probably when ATTENDEE/ RSVP feature available.
- Fix: Timezone of events was not being detected correctly – website timezone was being used.
- Change: If NOT in a widget, then href title on event summary hyperlink will now have excerpt if using amr-events and if excerpt is availble else the word “more info”. It used to hover the whole post content.
- Fix: remove htmlspecial chars from output of event summary – mucks up special chars now in latest wp