Version 1.7, event post thumbnail images and some RDATE or EXDATE bug fixes

Amr-events Version 1.7 is now available here:

Event excerpt with post thumbnail
Event excerpt with post thumbnail in hover area instead of post content
  • Fixed situation where if there where no parameters entered in widget, then no events were listed in the widget.  The widget will now pickup default parameters from the listtype like it used to.
  • Added possibility for CURL to follow redirections in case an exernal ics host has moved your ics file while you were not looking!
  • Timed certain day repeating dates (RDATES) will now show the correct time
  • Timed events with excluded dates (EXDATES) will now have events on the excluded days excluded.  Note: excluded days overwrite RDATES above if the dates and times are the same.  This is because it is possible according to the spec to have RRULES and RDATES in same event and one may wish to have an excluded date for the RRULE.  So it is possible to have the 3 co-existing, and thus a priority must be assigned.
  • If your theme supports post thumbnails or feature images, you may now include these separately in your list type.  For example, if the image is not already in your post content or added to your excerpt, then you may wish to add the post thumbnail to your event display.  Using the list type settings, you can add the post thumbnail separately to a agenda, calendar or widget listing.  Note that this stage the size will be the thumbnail size, as used by your theme.  If there is a demand to be able to create one’s own event thumbnail image size, please add your thoughts here Note that you can change your website thumbnail size via wordpress settings and plugins do exist to allow you to regenerate your old thumbnails.
Using excerpt and post thumbnail instead of post content
Using excerpt and post thumbnail instead of post content