Thanks to Scott for highlighting a few issues (see changelog below)
Large calendar, months, past and future events
The default querying of events has always been from the current day onwards. You can alter this using short code parameters, and there is a lot of flexibility in this. Obviously listing only future events may not make sense in a calendar view (particularly near the end of the month), so that is why there is a large calendar shortcode for those who want the first display to be a calendar, not an agenda view…..
- If you use [ largecalendar ] as your shortcode, it will assume you mean months=1 and will show all events for the current month in the large calendar.
- However if you use [ events listtype=9 ], while seemingly the same thing, it will not assume you mean months=1. It will show the large calendar with events from today onwards only. You can add months=1 as a parameter, this will force the display to display dates for the one current month only, starting from the beginning of that month. It was not intended to be used that way and results may be not quite what you’d expect. If you want to start with the largecalendar, use the largecalendar shortcode!
- You can start with an agenda of more than one month, [ events listtype=1 (not 8 or 9) months=2 ] for example and once you click on the calendar view, it will constrain the calendar back to the one month that should be displayed.
So whatever your requirements are, there is hopefully a way to do it!
Changelog for version 0.8
- tweaked default css and month navigation html a bit to accommodate websites with smaller content width for table.
- forced initial large calendar load to months=1, despite shortcode entry. This then allows you to have an ‘agenda’ view with multiple months but have correct functioning in the calendar box
- fixed generation of ics url. It was not removing page and other parameters from the query string of the url page. We do need to allow for parameters so we can handle ANY taxonomy, category, tag, author view etc and generate corresponding ics feed, but we cannot leave inappropriate ones in as they will mess up the gathering of events for the feed.