How to use a customised calendar list layout

The plugins shortcodes and widgets use defaults so you can be up and running quickly. However almost all can be customised.

The shortcodes to include a calendar in your page or post are

  • free version: [iCal], or [ical]
  • amr-events’ version (free to NotForProfits)  [events]
  • Others are being added as preset combinations of settings to make your life easy! See shortcodes.

Each shortcode has a default list type:

  • ical or events shortcdoe: listtype 1
  • widget default: listtype 4
  • eventinfo (for the individual ‘next dates’ listing per event): listtype 7

If only the shortcode is entered, then the plugin will use the default listtype. To access a different list type, the listtype parameter is required in the shortcode.

ical shortcode
Shortcode events with listtype

You can even do this in the widget!

Using a different List type in the Upcoming Events widget

Samples Provided

There is a sample set of list types provided.

List type Configuration in Admin

Go Crazy

You can create as many listtypes as you like (Yes Really – go crazy!), to explore ideas without having to reconfigure each time.  Testing them is really simple: instead of having to change the page or post each time, you can use the url query string.

  1. Create your calendar page, with the shortcode.
  2. When viewing the page, simply add parameters to the url in the address bar for each listtype



Have fun

See all the parameters that you can use in the shortcode or in the query url – click here.